So here we are, all 4 of us. Topher, Brittney, Esther, and Graceyn Moore. The Moore's You Know. We hope that you enjoy our blog and growing up with us.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hair days, hat days, cleaning days, and snow days

So I'm entering the blogging world. Topher agreed that since I finally am feeling comfortable with the 5 remote controls necessary to operate our entertainment system it would be okay for me to try a few posts.     
    Fashion and accessories are apparently becoming an important part of life in the Moore household. Esther is already an expert on dangling earrings, animal prints, and the use of a Chi. Graceyn has also mastered the animal print look, however she is learning the hard way about the tragedy of a bad hair day! 
   We recently had a big change happen in our home...our housekeeper 
decided to quit cleaning houses. I know all of you mommies are seriously
saying "Ohhh, I hate it when that happens!" Like any woman of the house would, I tried to accept her decision calmly and rationally and tore into a new bag of Giradelli chocolates to think this through! Just kidding. As a
supportive wife, I told my sweet Topher that I'd take care of the cleaning for awhile and save us a little money. Then, I proceeded to tackle the cleaning by first teaching Esther the finer points of vacuuming! Divide and conquer, right?! We did okay for like the first week. Then last night I told Topher that his parents were keeping the girls and we could have a date...his first response was, "We can go out or maybe just grab something to eat and then come home and clean house while the girls are gone." Wow! Is our house so bad that my husband would give up a date to clean house?? I'm still trying to decide if I should be excited that he's willing to help or sad that our house is in such need of a good cleaning that he'd forego a date! With very little effort, I convinced him to choose a date and we'd do the house later. Maybe if I "just can't keep up with it" we'll get another housekeeper!!
On to a more exciting topic...Is there anything more needed in your fashion arsenal than a really great hat? It's like the little black dress for stay-at-home moms. With just the right hat, no one has to know that you haven't showered or touched your hair. It has totally given me the freedom to have a "I didn't have time to shower this morning but I will tonight...maybe" day while still looking cute and put-together! I'm trying to teach the girls the value of a good hat too. I think they've got it! Graceyn has even figured out how to use a hat to look cute when she can't figure out what she wants to wear!

   Speaking of hats...there is just nothing cuter in
 the winter than a good tuke (that's the Canadian term Topher uses for toboggan, sock hat, stocking cap, etc.). Esther and her daddy took advantage of the snow on Tuesday. She played on her swing for an hour and a half! We've had several snow days here this season, so I guess she was tired of snow angels and snowmen! Sadly, with all the snow days plus a week long ski trip to Colorado, we somehow neglected to let Graceyn play in the snow...ever! What kind of parents are we? Poor child!


1 comment:

Becke' said...

Seriously, Anna and I have laughed and laughed over our housekeepers quiting on us...oh, wait, that is us! I think we had ourselves fooled that someone else was cleaning it so that we wouldn't have to!
I love love love the pic of Graceyn in her hat squatting down in her diaper! What cute girls you have!

Blog Archive

Check out the sideburns

Check out the sideburns
"Seriously dad what are you thinking with those things?"



PLACE YOUR BETS (see "Taking Bets" January 15)

  • Boy- March 15... Kelli Crossland
  • Boy- March 8... Jan Holland
  • Girl...Zac Murtha
  • Boy- March 11... Jared and Jill
  • Girl- March 13... Papaw
  • Girl- March 9 or 16... Lala (wants it to be on a Friday)
  • Girl- March 12...Mimi
  • Boy- March 14... Uncle Joe
  • Boy- March 17... Uncle Jess (Pretty sure of his GUESS)
  • Girl- March 18... Kels

Let it snow, let it snow...

Let it snow, let it snow...
The Eskimos have 1,000 words for snow and "Let it Snow" is all I could come up with

Reading stirs the imagination

Reading stirs the imagination
Shapes Colors and Big Bird

"Meeme Sissas"

"Meeme Sissas"
Translation: Merry Christmas