So here we are, all 4 of us. Topher, Brittney, Esther, and Graceyn Moore. The Moore's You Know. We hope that you enjoy our blog and growing up with us.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thoughts to ponder for this evening...

Well Britt is out with her girls tonight for coffee, which means that I am out home with my girls.  I know that as I write this things will change and I will somehow jinx myself, but here goes.  It is 8:45 right now and it took me a few minutes to get some music on (totally awesome and I hope to get to it in a little bit), turn on the computer and decide that I wanted to write. Anyway, both girls are asleep or at least acting like it enough that I don't feel that I need to check on them.  Graceyn finished off her bottle while we watched George (Curious George not W), and I put her in her bed and she didn't fight scream or throw her puppy or passie out, and she hasn't made a sound since.  I guess she is tired from the early morning that she and Britt spent together.  I guess it was early.  Before kids 3:30 am was a late night, now unless its hunting season I consider it an early morning.  Kind of goes back to the post I did talking about measuring baby's age in months. "She's 18 months old," not a year and a half, anyway different story.  Got Esther's teeth brushed, read 2 books, said prayers, snuggled, and I left when she was still awake and  haven't heard a peep from her.  A new thing I intend on doing is adding to the "Quotable Quotes" to the right.  As Esther and I were saying prayers I prayed "Please help daddy sell houses."  After the prayer Esther said "when I get bigger and bigger I want to sell houses with you."  Anyway that touched my heart, back to the post.

I think that Jack Johnson is my new U2, but in a different way.  U2 is still the all time greatest band, but there is just something about Jack.  I guess I have a crush on him, not literally, but he's pretty stinking cool.  Speaking of cool and Jack Johnson- have you seen Apple TV.  I think that it is almost as awesome as my mustache that I had in Alabama, but in a different way.  "Not better just different."  I think that is how the saying goes.  So Apple TV- totally cool.  When I try to explain it to people it doesn't do it justice.  It's an Ipod for your TV.  We have all our pictures that scroll through as it can shuffle through all Jack Johnson's songs or any of the other 3200 that i have.  Once again its hard to explain, trust me if you want something to change your life look into it.  My only beef is that I tried to rent a movie on ITunes for it but it won't play on the tv.  Apparently there is a software upgrade that hasn't been released yet, but when it comes Woo WaaaWaa (refer to QQ to the right).  So back to Jack Johnson.  He did the soundtrack for the Curious George movie.  Also pretty good if you have kids who are into that. I like to just dance around with the girls listening to him.  It's for the girls not because I like to dance in the den.  Although I did win the dance contest in 8th and 9th grade.  I got mad skills!

Different subject:  Esther got her hair cut for the first time by her Grandnanna.  It looks great and everybody made a big deal out of it.  I think she got 2 inches cut off.  I got my hair cut at sports clips by some guy that obviously didn't like sports if you get my drift.  I got over 2 inches cut off and no one even noticed.  Is all the estrogen that flows through my house starting to get to me, that I care if someone notices my hair.  The funny thing is I saw how much hair was on the floor when he cut it, it looked like a poodle died at my feet, but there is still enough up there to put in pig tails.  Is that too much information???

There is a Sprite Commercial that you can see on youtube that is pretty much like part of my life.  If you type in Sprite Commercial daddy little girl, you can find it.  Apparently it has been out for over a year, but I just saw it.  IF you go to youtube and type that in, and come up with something that you need to repent for, I am sorry, get some accountability and avoid that site.  I tried to attach it, but it won't let me do just that 1 commercial.
One of these days I will figure out how to put some of our videos on here so you can see us in action.  I think I might be able to figure it out.  I am going to get a portable storage device that I can put all our videos on.  I have some on this computer that I am figuring out how to edit and so far its pretty easy.  It doesn't look too good yet, so I want to get better before I publish anything cause you never know if Jerry Bruckheimer or Steven Speilberg will stumble on this blog and want me to help them produce their next movie.  Of course I will have Jack Johnson do the soundtrack and u2 do a couple songs, and might even throw in some Zamphir the pan flute master.  With that, Britt is taking guitar lessons.  And she is actually getting pretty good, so I might have her do a song.  If anything she will get paid and maybe she will by me an Itunes gift card or her own Mac.  Did you know that we are a Mac family now.  Yes we are creative and don't do spreadsheets or bar graphs, so all you Windows folk out there watch out.

Well I guess that is all I can come up with now. I think Gracen just wok....e up.  She did but now I am back but still going to sign off.  Have a great day or night or weekend depending on when you read this.


Little Oak Table said...

Wow, your blog looks awesome! Your profile picture is amazing, ya'll look like an add for GAP! Reed likes looking at the pictures of the girls!

Kari Smith said...

I like the new blog look! Good stuff. Who knew it snowed in Arkansas!!!! Throw in some frigid temps and it is almost like you're living in the north! Good to hear also that you still have that "long" crazy Topher hair! Every time I see David Crowders doo I think about you and your afro.

Kelli said...


Mike Green is the one who runs that manblog. I will have him invite you. Do you have an email address I can send to him?

Lee Stuart

Blog Archive

Check out the sideburns

Check out the sideburns
"Seriously dad what are you thinking with those things?"



PLACE YOUR BETS (see "Taking Bets" January 15)

  • Boy- March 15... Kelli Crossland
  • Boy- March 8... Jan Holland
  • Girl...Zac Murtha
  • Boy- March 11... Jared and Jill
  • Girl- March 13... Papaw
  • Girl- March 9 or 16... Lala (wants it to be on a Friday)
  • Girl- March 12...Mimi
  • Boy- March 14... Uncle Joe
  • Boy- March 17... Uncle Jess (Pretty sure of his GUESS)
  • Girl- March 18... Kels

Let it snow, let it snow...

Let it snow, let it snow...
The Eskimos have 1,000 words for snow and "Let it Snow" is all I could come up with

Reading stirs the imagination

Reading stirs the imagination
Shapes Colors and Big Bird

"Meeme Sissas"

"Meeme Sissas"
Translation: Merry Christmas