So here we are, all 4 of us. Topher, Brittney, Esther, and Graceyn Moore. The Moore's You Know. We hope that you enjoy our blog and growing up with us.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The generosity of a 2 year-old

This won't come as a surprise to most of you...actually, it didn't surprise me either. But it did absolutely bless my socks off. Yesterday at church, we picked up a baby bottle to fill with money for the Loving Choices Pregnancy Crisis Center. Esther carried it around, put any spare change from the car in on the way home, and asked what it was for. We told her it was for the mommies who need help with their little babies. She was a little distressed that we weren't going straight home after church...she wanted to get the money out of her piggy bank for the bottle. We didn't get home from Mimi and Papaw's house until bedtime, but this morning, she found the bottle and emptied her piggy bank by herself. Her other bank is out of reach, so I got it down for her and gave her about half of the money inside. She said,"No, all of it, Mommy." I tried to keep some of it back...why, I'm not sure. I mean really, Sonic happy hour...pregnancy crisis, it's really no issue. Esther probably has no real concept of where the money comes from, what it is used for, or why we save money. She just knows to fill up the bottle with all we have and take it back to church. Maybe that's all she needs to know. Jesus said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure." Lord, give me the heart of a child so that I may understand Your Kingdom!


Anonymous said...

that is a sweet story. she looks so big and grown up. i'm so excited you are coming this weekend. can't wait to see you guys! anna

Becke' said...

Man, how 2 year olds can humble us! I love that story! Can't wait to see you!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok.. I have pretty much spent the last 2 hours reading all of your blogs because it's the first time I've ever been to your site! But once I started I couldn't stop! I just wanted to say that this was the sweetest story I've ever heard and that I just love you guys to much. =)
- Aunt Meg

Blog Archive

Check out the sideburns

Check out the sideburns
"Seriously dad what are you thinking with those things?"



PLACE YOUR BETS (see "Taking Bets" January 15)

  • Boy- March 15... Kelli Crossland
  • Boy- March 8... Jan Holland
  • Girl...Zac Murtha
  • Boy- March 11... Jared and Jill
  • Girl- March 13... Papaw
  • Girl- March 9 or 16... Lala (wants it to be on a Friday)
  • Girl- March 12...Mimi
  • Boy- March 14... Uncle Joe
  • Boy- March 17... Uncle Jess (Pretty sure of his GUESS)
  • Girl- March 18... Kels

Let it snow, let it snow...

Let it snow, let it snow...
The Eskimos have 1,000 words for snow and "Let it Snow" is all I could come up with

Reading stirs the imagination

Reading stirs the imagination
Shapes Colors and Big Bird

"Meeme Sissas"

"Meeme Sissas"
Translation: Merry Christmas